We put our hearing aids through a lot — earwax, sweat, dust, oil and sometimes water. While daily cleaning and regular service can help retain optimal hearing conditions and extend the life of your hearing aids in Monroe, NC, sometimes hearing aid repair is necessary. But before sending your hearing aids off for repair, check these common troubleshooting errors and solutions.
My hearing instrument is “dead”
A “dead” hearing aid is most often the result of a dead hearing aid battery or a blocked receiver tube. Try inserting fresh hearing aid batteries or cleaning the receiver tube of any earwax or other debris. If the problem persists, then the hearing aid could be damaged or defective and might require professional hearing aid service.
My hearing instrument is not loud enough
As you adjust to your hearing aids, you will begin to notice when changes in volume occur. First, check to ensure the hearing aids are free of any debris or blockage. Second, check your batteries. A low battery can also result in fluctuating performance. If neither of these are the cause of the perceived change in volume, it is possible that your hearing has changed and you need to schedule an appointment with your hearing aids professional in Monroe, NC.
My hearing aids aren’t performing consistently
When your hearing aids seem to be inconsistent in sound quality or volume, it’s important to check your battery life. A hearing aid battery running low can result in inconsistent performance. Simply replace the battery with a fresh one to fix the issue.
The sound is distorted or unclear in my hearing aids
When sound becomes distorted or unclear, it may be the result of a low battery, or something may have damaged the device. It is key to see your hearing professional as soon as possible if a new battery doesn’t fix a sound quality issue.
If you check all these things we listed and you’re still having problems with your hearing aids in Monroe, NC, contact Perfect Sounds Hearing Care for all of your hearing aids repair needs.